Antifungal and growths regulation activity of new metal-organic compounds
Journal Title: Вісник Українського товариства генетиків і селекціонерів - Year 2018, Vol 16, Issue 2
The aim of present paper is to study the antifungal activity of the new platinum, palladium and copper chelate complexes with different organic ligands against Fusarium strains and to determine the influence of these compounds on the germination energy and seed germination of investigated grain crops. Methods. In vitro antifungal activities of new chelate complexes were studied by the agar disk diffusion method. New complexes were tested against pathogenic Fusarium strains such as — F. culmorum 3260/4, F. verticillioides and F. sporotrichioides. The toxic effect of new complexes was evaluated according to changes in germination power and seed germination of grain crops — winter wheat, vernal barley and maize. The determination of these characteristics was carried out in accordance with the standard demands. Results. Our results revealed that palladium complex H exhibited fungicidal activity against F. culmorum 3260/4 and fungistatic activity against F. verticillioides with growth inhibition zone diameter 25 mm ad 20 mm respectively. Copper complex 2 showed a moderate fungicidal effect against F. culmorum 3260/4 strain (inhibition zone diameter 12 mm). The treatment of grain crops seeds with the H and 2 complexes demonstrated the less toxicity than standard agent — commercial fungicide tebuconazol. These complexes had also less negative influence on the germination power for all test cultures than tebuconazol. Copper complex 2 showed a noticeable growth promoting effect on studied seeds compared to seeds under conditions without treatment. Conclusions. Thus, the studied complexes can be considered as promising antifungal agents with growth regulating properties. The directional modification of the complexes to obtain the more potent derivatives will be performed.Keywords: metal-organic compounds, antifungal, growths regulation activity.
Authors and Affiliations
O. V. Bashta, L. P. Pasichnyk, N. M. Voloshchuk, G. G. Repich, O. O. Zholob, O. S. Sorokin, T. V. Shyrina, S. I. Orysyk, L. G. Palchykovska
Геннадій Дмитрович Бердишев (07.11.1930-14.02.2016)
Iryna Serhiivna Karpova (to the 70th anniversary)
X з'їзд УТГіС ім. М. І. Вавилова, XII Міжнародна наукова конференція «Фактори експериментальної еволюції організмів». Інформаційний лист
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