
В статті проаналізовано антикризові заходи європейських країн пострадянського простору в період світової фінансово-економічної кризи. Розглянуто передкризовий стан економік Білорусі, Молдови та України. Визначено особливі риси антикризових кроків кожної вищезазначених з держав. Досліджено результати кризового менеджменту. Acceleration of integration processes in Europe and the establishment of common rules created conditions for rapid growth of Eastern Europe. The development of foreign markets allowed increasing the export earnings. However, interdependence of economies leaded to significant drawdown of most macroeconomic indicators during global financial crisis. At this point, the level of crisis management and efficiency of government mechanisms clearly outlined the number and depth of the problems included national economy of each European post-soviet country. This study excludes Baltic countries and Russia from the field of analysis. It creates the basis to the aim of this work. In order to maintain the goal, it is necessary to determine the pre-crisis position of each country, to highlight key anti-crisis measures and to analyze the results of regulations. The basic analysis indicators are GDP, current account balance, exports-imports ratio, level of inflation, fiscal policy, debt rate of private sector, refinancing rate, the level of debt and its structure, international reserves, exchange rate, money supply, stock market capitalization, and dynamics of demand for gold. First part of analysis discovers the positions of each country on international arena, common state of the national economy, main instruments of regulations as well as dynamic and direction of integration process in pre crisis period. Second part describes key anti crisis measurements during acute and stable phases of the crisis. The study determines the following areas of ant crisis regulation: stabilization of the financial sector, support of exporters, financing of major infrastructure projects, support of domestic demand. The main results of government anti crisis polices are analyzed in third part of the article. In terms of effectiveness, the best performance was demonstrated by Belorussia. The growth trend was saved. The external debt was stabilized as well. The Moldova and Ukraine show high level of destabilization. The qualities of crisis management in the countries were relatively weak, despite of the number of accepted documents. Moldova and Ukraine did not reach pre-crisis level of development. Thus, it is possible to say that the main point of ant crisis success is in the efficiency of government mechanisms. The regulation was on a proper level in Belorussia only. Moldova and Ukraine did not show appropriate scale of crisis management.

Authors and Affiliations

A. Briatko


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How To Cite

A. Briatko (2016). АНТИКРИЗОВА ПОЛІТИКА ЄВРОПЕЙСЬКИХ КРАЇН ПОСТРАДЯНСЬКОГО ПРОСТОРУ: ЗАГАЛЬНІ РИСИ ТА НАЦІОНАЛЬНІ ОСОБЛИВОСТІ. Вісник Маріупольського державного університету.Серія: Економіка, 6(11), 92-102. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-426445