Antimicrobial and Phytochemical Screening of Phyllantus Niruri
Journal Title: International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development - Year 2021, Vol 5, Issue 5
Theorigin of Phyllanthus niruri is tropical America from there it spread as a weed to other tropic and sub tropics. It is a tropical annual herb shrub which grows as weed in moist humid waste land. Phyllanthus niruri is among more than 500 Phyllanthus species that are widely spread in temperate and tropical climates region Lizuka et al., 2007. It grows 30 40 cm in height, has small leaves and yellow flowers the stem has green capsule, and blooms with flowers with 5 white sepals and apical acute anther.38g of Mueller Hinton Agar was dissolved in 1000ml distilled water in a conical flask, the mouth of the conical flask was plugged with cotton woo wrapped in aluminium foil. This was sterilized in an autoclave at 121oC for 15mns. The media was removed and allowed to cool to 45oC, later poured into a sterilized plastic petri plates which were appropriately labeled. The present study revealed the antimicrobial activity and phytochemical screening of phyllanthus niruri. The antimicrobial activity of phyllanthus niruri shows great significant against pathogens which are responsible for common infections of skin, respiratory, urinary and gastrointestinal tracts. The phytochemical screening of oxalate, terpenoids, tannins, phenols, quinones, flavonoids, alkaloids, saponins and steroids were all found to be active within the plant. This bioactive phytochemicals present in P. niruri can be useful for further researches on the plant P. nururi since the phytochemicals have shown preclinical efficacies for treating human diseases’ which include hepatitis and HIV AIDS. This work has compiled the chemical constituents present and can be useful for further researches Dr. Mohammed Musa Lawan | Yusuf Sale Baba "Antimicrobial and Phytochemical Screening of Phyllantus Niruri" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-5 | Issue-5 , August 2021, URL: Paper URL:
Authors and Affiliations
Dr. Mohammed Musa Lawan | Yusuf Sale Baba
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