Anxiety among Residents of Pay& Stay Senior Care Homes for the Aged
Journal Title: International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention - Year 2018, Vol 7, Issue 1
It is commonly observed that decline in physical health, changes in memory functions and impaired functioning in late adulthood diminish resilience and adaptive capacity which makes the elderly prone to anxiety and adjustmental problems. This study is an attempt to assess the sources of anxieties in a sample of 100 residents of pay and stay senior care homes for the aged located in United Andhra Pradesh from the age groups of 60-70 years were drawn by using a random sampling technique. The sample is drawn from the data set on ICSSR funded project. Focus group discussions (in small groups) were conducted to identify antecedents of anxieties of older persons the sample was divided into small groups (N = 10 x 16 = 160) and focused group discussions were organized on certain identified themes to explore sources of anxiety. Results show that health, disease / disability and resultant dependency, health care costs, family care supports in old age were found to be the significant sources of anxiety among residents. Significance of mental health programmes targeting this special group of elderly are discussed.
Authors and Affiliations
Dr. Suresh . K, Mr. Srisailamaiah. Maheswara
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