Apakah Rut, Perempuan Moab Adalah Penyembah TUHAN?

Journal Title: UNKNOWN - Year 2018, Vol 16, Issue 2


Ruth's statement to Naomi that "your people are my people and your God my God" (1:16-17) has raised questions about the consistency of Ruth living the words she had spoken. Is Ruth a worshiper of the Lord? This is an important question because there is no information in Ruth about the word that Ruth received directly to go to Bethlehem-Judah; there was no word to Ruth to work in Boaz's field; there was no word to Naomi to plan the meeting between Ruth and Boaz at night at Boaz's threshing floor; and there was no word directly to Boaz to take Ruth as his wife. But according to the book of Ruth and other books in the OT and NT, it can be proved that Ruth (the woman of Moab, widow, left her parents and gods, went with Naomi, her mother-in-law to Bethlehem-Judah, lived as a stranger, and worked to fulfill her needs and his father-in-law) is a worshiper of the Lord. The existence of Ruth as a worshiper of the Lord was realized through her words and attitude of life.

Authors and Affiliations

Peniel C. D. Maiaweng, Christina Ukung


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  • EP ID EP472385
  • DOI 10.25278/jj71.v16i2.308
  • Views 94
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How To Cite

Peniel C. D. Maiaweng, Christina Ukung (2018). Apakah Rut, Perempuan Moab Adalah Penyembah TUHAN?. UNKNOWN, 16(2), 161-174. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-472385