Applicability of selected concepts of corporate social responsibility management in insurance companies in Poland
Journal Title: ROZPRAWY UBEZPIECZENIOWE. Konsument na rynku usług finansowych. - Year 2018, Vol 28, Issue 2
The aim of the article is a comparative analysis of two business management concepts that take into account the economic, social and ethical dimension: corporate social responsibility management (CSR) and total responsibility management (TRM). The authors of the article ask whether these concepts can be applied in the insurance sector in Poland and what impact their implementation may have on management styles in insurance companies. The results of our own research indicate that at the level of declared values and adopted corporate governance principles, the majority of insurers covered by the study refer to the CSR concept. In practice, however, there are numerous deviations from CSR principles, especially in relations with clients. An issue requiring further, in-depth studies is the analysis and assessment of the impact of respecting in practice the principles of CSR and TRM on the choice of management style of managers of insurance companies in Poland (immoral, amoral, moral). There are many indications that the immoral style of management has been limited in the Polish insurance sector. Verification of this hypothesis, however, requires further empirical research.
Authors and Affiliations
Marek Szczepański, Elżbieta Świtalska
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