Application of Biographical Analysis in Research on Constructing the Image of the Past in the Biography. Based on an Example of Sociological Comparison of Narratives in The People’s Republic of Poland and the German Democratic Republic
Journal Title: PRZEGLĄD SOCJOLOGII JAKOŚCIOWEJ - Year 2013, Vol 9, Issue 4
The paper shows how to apply biographical research, strictly speaking autobiographical narrative interview, in research on the past. The problem is analyzed in relation to a particular research project. The aim of the paper is neither to present the project as such nor to discuss its results but to show methodological and theoretical assumptions which enabled to conceptualized problems and design initial frames of interpretation related to specific social processes and phenomena. The authors want to show that in this perspective biographical research is not only the method of collecting and analyzing empirical data but it also designs a specific way of thinking about problems under the study. The aim of the Polish-German project was to analyze memory and biographical experiences of people born between 1945-55 in The People’s Republic of Poland and the German Democratic Republic.
Authors and Affiliations
Kaja Kaźmierska, Fritz Schütze
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Recenzja książki: Doliński Wojciech (2012) Nowe ślady. Stare drogi. Europa w pamiętnikach Polaków. Kraków: Zakład Wydawniczy NOMOS
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