Application of coaching to develop skills of self-directed learning in the process of student’s professional formation
Journal Title: Бюллетень науки и практики - Year 2018, Vol 4, Issue 7
The article is devoted to the consideration of one of the innovative pedagogical technologies — coaching and its impact on the formation of student’s skills of self-directed learning in the process of their professional formation. In the process of its implementation coaching is characterized by the realization of the teacher’s professional and personal reflection, affecting the development of student’s reflection, by the establishment of partnership relations between the teacher and his students, contributing to the establishment of a stimulating environment for the student’s creative activity, where the manifestation of the possession on the part of the teacher of emotional competencies also plays an important role. The use of coaching contributes to the development of student’s skills of self-directed learning, where students take the initiative to diagnose their learning needs, to formulate their learning goals, to identify resources for learning, to select and to implement learning strategies, and to evaluate its results. This organization of the pedagogical process contributes to the manifestation of student’s social maturity, willingness and ability to accomplish effectively their professional activities and to the development of such important qualities as professional independence and professional mobility.
Authors and Affiliations
V. Pityukov, A. Gogol
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