Application of density functional theory in model ling of electron properties of oxodimolybdenum scorpionate complexes
Journal Title: CHEMIK nauka-technika-rynek - Year 2011, Vol 65, Issue 10
This paper presents the application of DFT modelling in the determination and physical interpretation of the effect of mutual orientation of [MoII, INO] 3+,2+ groups (donor-acceptor pairs, D-A) on the electron density flow in the Mo-O-Mo moiety, exemplified by oxodimolybdenum scorpionate complexes of mixed valence. The relationship between the electron structure, i.e. localization/ delocalization of unpaired electron and mutual position of D and A coordinate systems, may bestow the properties of molecular switches and rheostats on complexes.
Authors and Affiliations
Piotr Romańczyk, Ewa Brocławik
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