Application OF IoT in Military Service


Internet of Things (IoT) links the objects of the real world to the virtual world, and enables anytime, anywhere connectivity for anything that has an ON and OFF switch. It constitutes to a world where physical objects and living beings, as well as virtual data and environments, interact with each other. Large amount of data is generated as large number of devices are connected to the internet. So this large amount of data has to be controlled and converted to useful information in order to develop efficient systems. In this paper, we focus on to an application of IoT in military service that is used to reduce the time and increase speed. IoT based intelligent transportation systems, deffense & security,Industry & most important Health monitoring system are designed to support the Smart City vision & various field which aims at employing the advanced and powerful technologies for the administration of the people and many service. Renuka Chandrakant Sonare | Dinesh V. Rojatkar"Application OF IoT in Military Service" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-1 | Issue-6 , October 2017, URL:

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(2017). Application OF IoT in Military Service. International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development, 1(6), -.