Application of limitation period in the sphere of invalidity transactions: analysis of judicial practice
Journal Title: Проблеми законності - Year 2016, Vol 134, Issue 134
Invalidity transactions always attracted attention researchers. However in the modern period in judicial practice far of problems related to limitation period (for example, proliferation/non-proliferation limitation period, and beginning to run). To research application of limitation period in the sphere of invalidity transactions, in particular, such researchers applied as Y. Romanyuk, R. Savat’ye, І. Spasibo-Fatєєva. Appropriate analysis of contemporary issues application of limitation period in the sphere of invalidity transactions actually unavailable. But, of course, there is a theoretical and utilitarian need, at a minimum, to proliferation/non-proliferation limitation period, and beginning to run of limitation period. The article is sanctified to research application of limitation period in the sphere of invalidity transactions. In the article analyses application of limitation period in the sphere of invalidity transactions in judicial practice through a prism: proliferation/non-proliferation limitation period, and beginning to run of limitation period. Voidable of transaction takes place only on initiative his side or other interested person. For this reason limitation period must proliferation on such requirements. Nullity transaction does not create legal consequences. Therefore action about voidable of nullity transaction can be put a regardless of moment his conclude. In the Civil code it is not envisaged features of beginning to run of limitation period, if requirement voidable of transaction produces a prosecutor. Therefore establishment of beginning to run of limitation period must be used parts of the first article 261 Civil code (id est, it is determined on the rules of parts of the first article 261 Civil code thus, as though a subject appealed after defense, whose right is broken).
Authors and Affiliations
Василь Крат
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