Application of strategic analysis in selection and evaluation of functioning of electronic payment systems on enterprises
Journal Title: Економічний аналіз - Year 2018, Vol 28, Issue 1
Introduction. The management of an enterprise depends on a well-established and effective system of planning and forecasting changes in the external and internal environment of the enterprise. A properly organized management structure provides the opportunity to ensure a sustainable development of the enterprise by anticipating the problems with which it may encounter in the future and develop a strategy for its development in the planned period. Purpose. The article aims to evaluate the possibility of choosing electronic payment systems in the conditions of functioning under uncertainty, and to analyse the advantages of a strategic decision. Method (methodology). In order to reach the purpose of the research we have used the method of strategic analysis, research method, and method of optimization. Results. The methodological, theoretical and practical aspects of the development of the sphere of services have been investigated. The analysis of the peculiarities of management and strategic planning of the enterprise activity has been carried out. The potential of Ukraine in the export of services has been identified and analysed. Risks of enterprise activity have been substantiated. The influence of factors on the sphere of services in Ukraine has been investigated.
Authors and Affiliations
Vladyslava Lisniak
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