Applied Statistical Models of Assessment and Evaluation of Instructional Efficiency


The purpose of the contemporary research was the determination of the validity and reliability of the graduating senior exit survey (GSS) as a possible supplementary instrument, to assess faculty on teaching effectiveness at a university in the southeastern US. The research approach was quantitative, and the dataset was the 426 students’ responses on specific elements of teaching effectiveness for the fall 2016 semester GSS survey at the university. Applying the Cronbach’s alpha statistic, the findings revealed the alpha for the 9 elements on the rating scale, which together assessed teaching effectiveness at the university, was .95, an indication the elements established a scale that had practical internal stability reliability for the GSS instrument. In addition, applying the principal axis factoring with varimax rotation, indicated the three indexes of teaching effectiveness, including motivation, competence, and expertise had strong positive loadings of > .40, and interconnected significantly with teaching effectiveness, thus endorsing the construct validity of the GSS instrument in assessing teaching efficacy. However, the research was limited to one semester analysis of the GSS instrument, which may be inadequate to establish the generalizability of the instrument as a measurement of teaching efficiency. Subsequent studies must include additional semesters to determine generalizability.

Authors and Affiliations

Mahmud A. Mansaray, Philliph M. Mutisya


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  • EP ID EP607061
  • DOI 10.6007/IJARBSS/v7-i5/2928
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How To Cite

Mahmud A. Mansaray, Philliph M. Mutisya (2017). Applied Statistical Models of Assessment and Evaluation of Instructional Efficiency. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 7(5), 233-257.