Approach in Homeopathy
Homeopathy is a healing protocol using combination of constituents whose effects when directed to healthy individuals correspond to the clinical presentation of the pathology in the individual subject. Homeopathy is an alternative medical practice in which extremely dilute amounts of certain natural substances are used to treat various pathologies. Homeopathy is not a plausible system of treatment, as its dogmas about how drugs, illness, the human body, liquids and solutions operate are contradicted by a wide range of discoveries across biology, psychology, physics and chemistry made in the two centuries since its invention. The use of homeopathy as a preventive for serious infectious diseases is especially controversial in the context of ill-founded public alarm over the safety of vaccines stoked by the anti-vaccination movement. Hence; this journal aims for encouraging and publishing various advancements in the field of homoeopathic medicine.
Welcome Note By Editor
Homeopathy is a therapeutic method using preparations of substances whose effects when administered to healthy subjects correspond to the manifestations of the disorder (symptoms, clinical signs, pathological states) in...
Migraine in homeopathy: An Update
Migraine is most common neurological disorder present in adults and highly prevalent condition present in women throughout their child bearing age, started from menarche to menopause. Chronic migraine is a condition expe...
Depression and Anxiety among Parents of Children with Disabilities: A Case Study from Indian Society & Developing World
The current study aimed to find out the relationship between depression and anxiety among parents of children with disabilities and to compare the parent’s depression and anxiety with the type of disability among childre...
Review of Homoeopathic Treatment in Diabetic Polyneuropathy
Diabetic polyneuropathy is dysfunction of peripheral nerves. Inflammation, oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction are three main alterations involved in the pathologic changes of diabetic polyneuropathy. Worldwid...
Immunity Vs Idiosyncrasy: Homoeopathic Approach
The immune system is one of the most complex and intriguing systems of the human body. Immunity is always considered beneficial however; the protective mechanisms may at time become harmful, especially when the body atte...