Architecture-driven approach in experimental software designing

Journal Title: Computer Science and Mathematical Modelling - Year 2010, Vol 0, Issue 6


The paper describes the use of an information system architecture-driven approach in the process of experimental software design to build models of clinical paths. This article presents the results of the analysis of the applicability of BPMN, GELLO, UML, OCL, XML, HL7 and GLIF standards in the context of their suitability for modelling system architecture. Selected set of standards is evaluated in terms of obtaining the desired effects of construction of information system architecture and creation of clinical paths models in the experimental software.

Authors and Affiliations

Tomasz Górski


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How To Cite

Tomasz Górski (2010). Architecture-driven approach in experimental software designing. Computer Science and Mathematical Modelling, 0(6), 11-17.