Architektura przemysłowa w twórczości Emila i Georga Zillmannów
 na Górnym Śląsku na początku XX wieku


Industrial architecture designed by Emil and Georg Zillmann in Upper Silesia at the beginning of the 20th century Emil and Georg Zillmann, architects active in Upper Silesia at the beginning of the 20th century, graduated from the Royal University of Technology in Charlottenburg (Königliche Technische Hochschule in Germany). During their professional career, the Zillmans worked, among others, for Die Bergwerksgesellschaft Georg von Giesches Erben or Schaffgotsch Bergwerksgesellschaft GmbH, creating distinctive industrial realisations in Upper Silesia. Their most recognizable projects are two workers’ housing estates – Giszowiec and Nikiszowiec – currently located within the administrative boundaries of the city of Katowice. The article is an introduction to further research on the recognition of the industrial architecture heritage by the Zillmanns. The main aim of the paper is to present fve realisations located in Upper Silesia – Giesche mine, Heinitz mine, Uthemann zink smelter, Gliwitzer mine and Oberschlesien CHP plant.

Authors and Affiliations

Dominika Oleś


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How To Cite

Dominika Oleś (2018). Architektura przemysłowa w twórczości Emila i Georga Zillmannów
 na Górnym Śląsku na początku XX wieku. Quart. Kwartalnik Instytutu Historii Sztuki Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, 49(3), 66-82.