Popular music is an indispensable part of peoples’ lives, shaping not only their aesthetic sensitivity and providing entertainment, but it also has the potential to construct their identities. Often having a strictly loc...
The article focuses on films by Balbina Bruszewska – Polish director who creates socially engaged films. In the paper the author is trying to qualify her movies in the aesthetics of critical realism, which stands in oppo...
Article is divided into two parts. First one examines the condition under folklore is created on Facebook portal. I’m examining communication and participation rituals and customs. Second focuses on more general mechanis...
Nuta po nucie. Lokalność muzyki popularnej a miejska tożsamość
Popular music is an indispensable part of peoples’ lives, shaping not only their aesthetic sensitivity and providing entertainment, but it also has the potential to construct their identities. Often having a strictly loc...
Animacja społecznie zaangażowana. Realizm krytyczny w twórczości Balbiny Bruszewskiej
The article focuses on films by Balbina Bruszewska – Polish director who creates socially engaged films. In the paper the author is trying to qualify her movies in the aesthetics of critical realism, which stands in oppo...
Kompetencje medialne II. Cały numer
Kultura popularna "Kompetencje medialne II"<br/><br/>
Maszyna do nadawania autentyczności. Perypetie polskiej muzyki popularnej w latach 80
From Folklore to Existential Prostheses. Cultural Meaning of Facebook Portal.
Article is divided into two parts. First one examines the condition under folklore is created on Facebook portal. I’m examining communication and participation rituals and customs. Second focuses on more general mechanis...