Aspects of the study of multi-level mechanisms of human adaptation to the extreme conditions of Antarctica


Aim. Study of mechanisms of adaptation of organism functions, including molecular genetic level, to extreme conditions of professional activity in Antarctica. Methods. Survey of Antarctic winterers with clinical, functional, psychological and molecular genetic research methods. Results. The negative dynamics of psychoneurotic symptoms in winterers is established, which dictates the necessity of continuous improvement of the method of medical – psychophysiological selection, the use of additional technologies of examination and training, as well as further research aimed at identifying biomarkers that are sensitive to the impact of a long expedition in extreme conditions in the Antarctic. The allelic polymorphism of the HIF-1α gene affects hypoxic induced changes in the ultrastructure and function of the blood cells, which can serve as a marker for the formation of adaptive reactions. Conclusions.The results of the research indicate that the study of adaptation and dysadaptation mechanisms at all levels of the functioning of the organism, including molecular genetic, is of prime importance in the system of prevention of pathology of Antarctic winterers. The results of research at the Ukrainian Antarctic station can be used in practical medicine and taken into account when formulating proposals to improve the international system of safe human habitation in Antarctica. Keywords: molecular genetic, psychophysiological selection, winterers, Antarctic.

Authors and Affiliations

Є. В. Моісеєнко, К. В. Розова, Р. І. Янчій


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How To Cite

Є. В. Моісеєнко, К. В. Розова, Р. І. Янчій (2018). Aspects of the study of multi-level mechanisms of human adaptation to the extreme conditions of Antarctica. Фактори експериментальної еволюції організмів, 23(), 218-225.