Assess of the feasibility of involving industry in business networks


Existing conditions of work of industrial enterprises in Ukraine during the global financial crisis, reducing the availability of credit, reduction in demand from major consumers of products and services, reduce exports to traditional export markets require industrial development of mechanisms to respond adequately to the dynamic changes in the environment. In this context, there is a need to improve not only the economic processes in industrial plants themselves, but also to improve the mechanisms of interaction with counterparts and to intensify cooperation with its partners in the value chain. One of the most appropriate ways of increasing the efficiency of enterprises and to respond to the threats posed by the economic crisis in modern conditions is the choice of strategy of participation in enterprise networks. Through participation in enterprise networks for the enterprise will open new opportunities to strengthen the competitive position and increase the customer value of products and services. In the article the stages of assessing the feasibility of the enterprise's existing business network or creating a new network, including a comprehensive diagnosis of the state enterprises, the assessment of the market environment, the assessment of the attractiveness of participation in existing business networks and it is comparing with the attraction of creating a new business network, as well as a result the choice of enterprise network affiliation or selection for inclusion in the enterprise network. A relevant scientific and methodical approach, based on using a set of criteria, was suggested. It takes into account the impact of the enterprise's network, on the company itself, and on the network as a whole, and allows to improve the objectivity of the decision to accede to one of the existing enterprise networks or creating new. The main criteria of expediency favor is positive dynamics of indicators such as the average share of domestic sales and domestic procurement network; total sales volume of products and services both inside and outside the network; equal usefulness implementation within the network; economic impact, taking into account all the factors and the financial result from the production of products and services. The proposed approach allows to solve the following practical tasks: to choose between creating a new business network and joining the existing; to choose a business network which is the most expedient for an enterprise to join; to determine which companies are advisable to bring in new business network; to determine the impact of joining the investigated enterprise to enterprise network itself as the test company, and the business network to which it can accede.

Authors and Affiliations

Оlena Khadzhynova


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How To Cite

Оlena Khadzhynova (2015). Assess of the feasibility of involving industry in business networks. Вісник Маріупольського державного університету.Серія: Економіка, 10(), 18-30.