Assessing the Classical and Contemporary Jurists' View on the Nisab of Zakat Issue
Journal Title: International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences - Year 2018, Vol 8, Issue 1
This study aims to examine the views from the classical jurists and the contemporary with regards to the nisab of zakat particularly on the issue of the fluctuation of the benchmark price of the nisab, which are the gold and the silver. This issue raised due to the claim that the price of the nisab benchmark has a tendency to the exploitation of the group of poor and the destitute in the asnaf list. A comparison between the classical and the contemporary views are much needed in examining their discussion regarding the fluctuation of the price of the benchmark of nisab and their reaction in tackling the issues within the scope of two eras. The study makes use of the document analysis to discern the characteristics of view from both eras. Basically, the findings indicate that the classical jurists made some justification on the issue, though the system of the market price is not as similar as today, however, the concentration to the issue is limited. Otherwise, the contemporary shows their interest in resolving this issue. Relatively, it is clear that the issue raised has an implication to the concerned group. Thus, the discussion needs to be accounted from the aspect of risk management and as a step of precautionary to the authorities. With the emergence of Islamic awareness in the society, understanding the implications of various aspects of possibility pertaining the future welfare of the Muslim is essential. Therefore, this study puts some additional aspect to be concerned, which has received less attention or might be overlooked.
Authors and Affiliations
Azhan Rashid Senawi, Muhammad Pisol Mat Isa, Muhammad Akramin Kamarul-zaman, Husna Husain
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