Assessment of auditory processing in children with dyslalia
Journal Title: Otolaryngologia Polska - Year 2009, Vol 63, Issue 1
The objective of the work was to assess occurrence of central auditory processing disorders in children with dyslalia. Material and method: The material included 30 children at the age 7–9 years old being under long-term speech therapy care due to articulation disorders. All the children were subjected to the phoniatric and speech examination, including tonal and impedance audiometry, speech therapist’s consultation and psychologist’s consultation. Electrophysiological (N2, P2, N2, P2, P300 record) and following psychoacoustic test of central auditory functions were performed (Frequency Pattern Test). Results: Analysis of the results revealed disorders in the process of sound analysis within frequency and P300 wave latency prolongation in children with dyslalia. Conclusions: Auditory processing disorders may be significant in development of correct articulation in children, they also may explain unsatisfactory results of long-term speech therapy.
Authors and Affiliations
Agata Szkiełkowska, Elżbieta Włodarczyk, Andrzej Senderski, Henryk Skarżyński, Małgorzata Ganc, Adam Piłka
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