Assessment of biological availability of radionuclides in the soil
Journal Title: Бюллетень науки и практики - Year 2018, Vol 4, Issue 11
This article presents the results of the assessment of the biological availability of radionuclides in the soil. The object of this work is to identify the forms of cesium-137 in the soil and to establishing their quantitative ratio 30 years after the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. We were determined the mobility of radiocaesium in the soil, a sequential extraction method was used. Research methods: Research revealed significant differences in the concentration of radiocaesium in the solvents used. The content of radiocaesium in the aqueous extract varied from 0.4 Bq to 5.5 Bq, ammonium acetate varied from 0.3 Bq to 2.8 Bq. The most significant radiocaesium transitions were observed using hydrochloric acid. When we were using 1M hydrochloric acid, radiocaesium content was (0.4–4.2) Bq, at a concentration of 6M (2–88) Bq. Analysis of the dynamics of the content of radiocaesium in the aqueous extract indicates a decrease in the size of the radionuclide transition overall soils. Average rates for sandy loam were 2,3% and 1.8%, sandy soil 4.3% and 2.2%, and peat bog 0.8% and 0.3% for 2017–2018 years. For the ammonium acetate extract on sandy loops, there was an increase in the transition from 1.3% to 2.5%. On sand and peat, there was a decrease in availability, respectively (7.6–4.5)% and (1.8–0.7)%. The radionuclide transition decreased from 2.9% to 2.2%, when extracting with hydrochloric acid (1M concentration) on sandy loam. On the sand revealed an increase in availability from 4.4% to 5.2%. Accessibility changes have occurred minimal, on the moor. Soil treatment with 6M hydrochloric acid increased the radionuclide transfer to sandy loam and peatlands. An increase in the amount of radiocaesium in 6=M acid means the further fixation of the radionuclide by the soil absorbing complex.
Authors and Affiliations
Mikola Daineka, S. Timofeev
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