Assessment of blood morphology, electrolyte level as well as kidney and liver function before and after leaving the water in a winter swimmers during the entire winter swimming season - a case study
Journal Title: Rehabilitacja Medyczna - Year 2018, Vol 22, Issue 4
Study aim: The aim of the study was to assess blood morphology, electrolyte level as well as indices of kidney function and the activity of selected liver enzymes determining liver function before and after exiting the water in a winter swimmer (“Walrus”) from the “Kaloryfer” (“Radiator”) Krakow Winter Swimming Club during the whole winter bathing season.<br/><br/>Materials and methods: The subject of research was a winter swimmer from the “Radiator” Krakow Winter Swimming Club a 53-year-old male. Blood was collected from the subject: at the beginning of the winter swimming season, during (five times) and at the end of the season (each time before and after getting out of the water); time maintaining in water: 10 minutes.<br/><br/>Results: Analysing the average values of the indices before and after exiting the water, statistically significant increases were noted in AST [U/L] by 6.4% and LDH [U/L] by 2.45%, as well as a decrease in Na+ [mmol/l] by 1.14%, Clˉ [mmol/l] by 1.78% and urea [mmol/l] by 3.64%.<br/><br/>Conclusions: Regular baths taken by the winter swimmers in cold water did not affect blood morphology indices and did not cause pathological changes in kidney profile. Furthermore, slight fluctuations regarding the concentration of electrolytes in the blood serum and changes in the hepatic profile additionally “externalised” health problems, which appeared prior to winter swimming.<br/><br/>
Authors and Affiliations
Bartłomiej Ptaszek, Jakub Marchewka, Andrzej Mikuśkiewicz, Patrycja Pietraszewska, Sylwia Przybyło, Paulina Rząca, Anna Kabata-Piżuch, Aneta Teległów
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