Assessment of Climate Change Adaptive and Coping Strategies of Women Farmers in Mmaku Mountainous Community Awgu Area Enugu State Nigeria


The impact of climate change on agricultural production is a serious source of worry to farmers in rural communities in Nigeria. This is because their economy mainly depend on agriculture which is seriously affected by global climate change. The objectives of this study were to identify gaps in knowledge about climate change and to collate traditional coping and adaptive practices of climate change in Mmaku Mountainous Community Awgu Area, Enugu State Nigeria. Structured questionnaires were developed and administered to 220 randomly selected farmers in Mmaku Mountainous Community, Awgu Area Enugu State. The result of the study revealed that most of the respondent knew about climate change through radio, 70 sampled respondents out of 220 stated that climate change include a change of weather parameters apart from temperature over a long period (over 20 to 30 years), indiscriminate felling of trees and bush burning where the major causes of climate change in the study area. The study recommended that training and sensitization programmes are needed in the study area to create more awareness on the causes, impact and prevention of climate change. Government should as a matter of urgency provide motorized boreholes in the study area to reduce the suffering encountered by women and children in search of drinking water.

Authors and Affiliations

M. A. N. Anikwe, E. E. Ikenganyia, N. H. Alakweonye


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  • EP ID EP322981
  • DOI 10.9734/AJAEES/2017/30439
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How To Cite

M. A. N. Anikwe, E. E. Ikenganyia, N. H. Alakweonye (2017). Assessment of Climate Change Adaptive and Coping Strategies of Women Farmers in Mmaku Mountainous Community Awgu Area Enugu State Nigeria. Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology, 19(1), 1-8.