Assessment of Energy Intensity of Deep Cultivation of Soil by Combined Chisel Deep Tillers


The work presents the assessment of energy intensity of the basic soil cultivation with combined chisel deep tillers. It is proved that despite a significant amount of research in the sphere of reducing energy consumption for basic soil cultivation, the issue remains relevant, and taking into account the necessity to apply soil protection technologies, the optimization of energy consumption in the process of subsoil tillage with combined chisel deep tillers becomes most significant. At the stage of the analysis of the conducted studies it has been confirmed that the most effective indicator of the assessment of energy expenditure for soil cultivation is the consumption of fuel, and the change in the geometrical parameters of the working parts is inevitably connected with the dilemma "traction resistance - quality of cultivation". It is clear that reducing traction resistance, as a rule, leads to the deterioration in the quality of soil cultivation and vice versa. Therefore, when designing soil cultivating machines it is necessary to clearly define their principal characteristics. As a result of the conducted research the possibility of reduction of energy consumption for the basic tillage with the application of combined chisel deep tillers with additional deformers is proved. This happens under the condition of effective aggregation with energy means. Based on the results of practical use of such units, recommendations for their further use and improvement were developed. Chisel tillers CHN of domestic production, working bodies of which have chisel paws with flat wings and teeth and dual gears, while working on complicated soils of central Ukraine with an average fuel consumption of about 18 l/ha, at a depth of 35 cm or more ensure the qualitative index of soil crush is 70 ... 75%.

Authors and Affiliations

Sergiy Leshchenko, Vasyl Salo, Dmytro Petrenko


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  • EP ID EP481208
  • DOI 10.32515/2409-9392.2018.31.10-20
  • Views 98
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How To Cite

Sergiy Leshchenko, Vasyl Salo, Dmytro Petrenko (2018). Assessment of Energy Intensity of Deep Cultivation of Soil by Combined Chisel Deep Tillers. Центральноукраїнський науковий вісник. Технічні науки, 31(), 10-20.