Assessment of hydrographic and oceanographic studies of right bank outfall drain, Gharo Creek Indus Deltaic Region

Journal Title: Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences (JBES) - Year 2017, Vol 10, Issue 5


National Institute of Oceanography Pakistan was carried out the Hydrographic and Oceanographic studies of Gharo Creek for outfall structure designing.The proposed Right Bank Outfall Drain (RBOD) which is under construction is to carry Main Nara Valley Drain (MNVD) discharge from Karampur (near Sehwan) to Khuhi (near Kalri Lake) for the capacity of 3,525 cusecs and from Khuhi to Gharo Creek for the capacity of 3,975 cusecs. The proposed RBOD alignments will enroute Karampur near Sehwan RD 0+000 and outfall into Arabian Sea through Gharo Creek at RD 897.The focus of this study of Gharo Creek is on recording the Physical, Chemical and Geological Parameters such as, Tidal, Water Quality, Bathymetric survey, Sea bed sampling and tidal currents.The grain size data indicates calm depositional setting in the area of sampling. However, the presence of poorly to moderately well sort sand and the presence of shells (complete as well as broken fragments) indicates periodic events when the sea water encroaches to the upper part of the Gharo Creek. Dissolved oxygen is most important parameter to determine the water quality of the area. During the spring tidal cycle at station-1 > 6 mg/l and ranged between 6.6-8.43 mg/l, where high concentrations observed during low tide and low concentration at high tide . At station-2 dissolved oxygen during the Neap tidal cycle not follow the similar pattern of spring tide may be due to the high suspended particle cut the sun light and inhibit the photosynthesis and concentrations was in the range 4.5-8.7 mg/l. Surface seawater salinity at station-1 during the Spring tidal cycle noted was ranged between 4-6.5 ppt. Where low salinity recorded during the low tide which may be due to the input of fresh water from the Gharo stream.During High tide saline water from the creek area causes the higher salinity of Gharo creek area. During the Neap tidal cycle concentration ranges found higher than the Spring tide (3-10ppt) due to the mixing of fresh water from the Gharo fresh water Nallah.

Authors and Affiliations

Mohsin Muzaffar, Mahmood Ahmed Hashmi, Khalid Mehmood, Ibrahim Zia, Syed Imran Hasany


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Mohsin Muzaffar, Mahmood Ahmed Hashmi, Khalid Mehmood, Ibrahim Zia, Syed Imran Hasany (2017). Assessment of hydrographic and oceanographic studies of right bank outfall drain, Gharo Creek Indus Deltaic Region. Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences (JBES), 10(5), -.