Assessment of knowledge of the health status of patients with spinal cord injuries among physiotherapists from public health institutions in Wielkopolska region
Journal Title: Fizjoterapia Polska - Year 2012, Vol 12, Issue 4
Spinal cord injury (SCI) results in functional disorders of multiple systems of the human body and brings about a number of post-traumatic complications. The patients should be informed about the health status after SCI already during their stay in hospital or rehabilitation centre. The main objective of this study was to assess the level of physiotherapists knowledge of about the health status of SCI patients.The study involved 55 physiotherapists (35 women and 20 men) employed in 12 public health institutions in Wielkopolska region. The average number of years worked as a physiotherapist was 9 in the studied sample. The research tools used for this study included the knowledge test checking the participants’ knowledge about the health of SCI patients and a personal questionnaire.The general level of knowledge about the health of SCI patients among the physiotherapists has been assessed as satisfactory, the highest in the area of nutrition/diet and thrombosis, and the lowest as regards obtaining assistance after SCI. The type of school completed did not affect the subjects’ knowledge of the health status of SCI patients. A significant negative correlation between the level of knowledge and years of physiotherapists working in the profession was revealed.The graduates of physiotherapy studies or colleges, especially those with long work experience, should be aware of the necessity of lifelong learning and regularly renew their professional knowledge, in this case by tracing the latest information on the health and daily functioning of SCI patients.
Authors and Affiliations
Tomasz Tasiemski
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