Assessment of Psychopathology in Children of Patients with Alcohol Dependence Syndrome
Journal Title: IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) - Year 2017, Vol 16, Issue 12
Aim: To study the psychopathology in children of patients with Alcohol Dependence Syndrome. Materials and Methods: 54 cases of Alcohol dependence syndrome both in patients and out patients attending Narayana General Hospital, Nellore, Andhra Pradesh were recruited in the study and detailed evaluation was done using socio demographic proforma, ICD-10 criteria to arrive at alcohol dependence syndrome diagnosis, CPMS done by interviewing the mother to assess the psychopathology in their children. Results: Mean age group of the patient, spouse and child was 36yrs, 32yrs and 9.3yrs respectively. The present study found significant psychopathology in depression and anxiety in children of alcohol dependent subjects. Older children above 10 years had more psychopathology in symptoms of anxiety and depression when compared to the younger ones. Conclusion: Alcohol dependence needs to be justifiably viewed as a disorder affecting the family unit as a whole. The present study supported to the findings of previous studies on the childhood psychopathology, mental health of the spouse.This study brings out association between alcoholism in patient and psychopathology in their children as a significant finding.
Authors and Affiliations
Dr. J. Sharada, Dr. D. Padmavathi, Dr. Y. Prabhakar, T. Adishe shamma
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