Assessment of Strength & Velocity Parameters of Hip Joint Muscles in Rehabilitation of a Patient with Lower Limb Amelia. Case Study

Journal Title: Ortopedia Traumatologia Rehabilitacja - Year 2014, Vol 16, Issue 1


We studied a 19-year-old patient with congenital partial absence of certain left lower limb structures (amelia) with no additional developmental defects. The patient had no fibula or foot bones and the tibia was reduced to 3 cm, which made it impossible to use a crural prosthesis. The aim of the study was to assess the strength capacity of muscles influencing the ipsi- and contralateral hip joint in the amelic patient. Compared to healthy individuals, patients with a congenital absence of lower limb demonstrate a marked disproportion in muscle peak torque between hip flexors and hip extensors, which may lead to damage to the weaker muscle group. The disproportions may be reduced with a rehabilitation programme aimed to strengthen the hip joint extensors.

Authors and Affiliations

Mateusz Kowal, Alicja Rutkowska-Kucharska, Andrzej Pozowski


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How To Cite

Mateusz Kowal, Alicja Rutkowska-Kucharska, Andrzej Pozowski (2014). Assessment of Strength & Velocity Parameters of Hip Joint Muscles in Rehabilitation of a Patient with Lower Limb Amelia. Case Study. Ortopedia Traumatologia Rehabilitacja, 16(1), 91-98.