Assessment of the dynamics of depressive disorders in patients with coronary heart disease depending on the method of restoration of blood supply to the heart

Journal Title: Медичні перспективи - Year 2018, Vol 23, Issue 2


The aim of the study was to assess the symptoms of depression during a 1-years observation in patients with coronary heart disease, depending on the method of restoration of blood supply to the heart. The study included 215 patients with ischemic heart disease who during 2010-2016 received treatment in the departments of cardiology, interventional cardiology and cardiac surgery of KU «Dnepropetrovsk Regional Clinical Center of Cardiology and Cardiosurgery DOR». All patients underwent invasive coronary angiography and were administered conservative or surgical treatment - aortocoronary bypass grafting or stenting of the coronary arteries. The level of depression was determined by Zung’s Self-Rating Depression Scale – SDS three times: at the initial stage of treatment, after three months and 1 year after treatment. It was determined that in patients with IHD, the frequency of depressive states and conditions close to them varies from 81.97% (95% CI 70.53 to 89.62) in patients who are prescribed bypass and to 98.55% (95% CI 92.24 - 99.74) in patients with conservative treatment. The vast majority of patients in all groups are represented by patients with mild or masked depression. 4.71% of cases of true depression in the coronary artery stenting group and 5.8% – in the conservative treatment group were revealed. According to the correlation analysis, the dependence of the average depression level on the chosen treatment method was found (ρ=0.19; р=0.027). The choice of a surgical or conser­vative method of treatment can affect general level of mood and indirectly – quality of life in the long-term period.

Authors and Affiliations

N. O. Pertseva, L. O. Khrustaleva


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  • EP ID EP304179
  • DOI 10.26641/2307-0404.2018.2.133699
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How To Cite

N. O. Pertseva, L. O. Khrustaleva (2018). Assessment of the dynamics of depressive disorders in patients with coronary heart disease depending on the method of restoration of blood supply to the heart. Медичні перспективи, 23(2), 53-60.