Association of Otorhinolaryngological Trauma with Head and Neck Injury – An Epidemiological Study
Journal Title: Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences - Year 2017, Vol 5, Issue 11
Abstract: The Ear, Throat and face region is the area in the body that is commonly involved in head and neck injury. Trauma to this region is often associated with mortality and morbidity and varying degree of physical and functional damage. To assess the prevalence of otorhinolaryngological trauma in head and neck injury. A cross sectional prospective study contains 200 patients who were diagnosed of having head and neck injuries. All the patients were subjected to detail clinical examination i.e. age sex, cause of injury, presence of injuries on face, ear and throat etc. and otorhinolaryngological examination. Among 200 cases, 52% were male and 48% were females. Majority were between 26-40 years (106), followed by more than 45 years (26), less than 25 years (18).The injuries in majority cases were located in facial region (55.3%) followed by various other sites (20%), throat (13.3%) and ear (11.3%) regions.Most of the otorhinolaryngological trauma in head and neck injuries are accounted by road accidents (69.3%) followed by assault injuries (16%), by fallinjuries (10%) and by various other causes is 4.6%. The prevalence of otorhinolaryngological trauma in head neck injuries was 75%. The prevalence of ENT trauma is more in between 26-40 years age group and in males. Maxillofacial injuries are most common and injuries by road accidents are much accountable to otorhinolaryngological trauma in head neck injury cases. Keywords:Otorhinolaryngological trauma, Head and neck injuries, Road accident injuries.
Authors and Affiliations
T. Dinesh Singh, C. P Sudheer
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