Attachment Anxiety, Marital Adjustment and Psycho-Social Support of Love and Arranged Marriages Among Meranao Women


This study aims to explore the level of attachment anxiety, marital adjustment, pyscho-social support of love and arranged marriages among Meranao women specifically, it sought to answer the following questions: 1.What is the demographic profile of the respondents in love marriage and arranged marriages in terms of present age, age at the time of marriage, family monthly income, number of children and sibling rank? 2. What is the level of attachment related anxiety, the marital adjustment of the respondents in love and arranged marriages among the following aspects psychological, social, emotional and spiritual? 3. What are the marital adjustment of the respondents in love and arranged marriages when classified as social, physical, financial and spiritual? 4. What is the level of marital quality of the respondents in love and arranged marriages on the following aspects; commitment, trust and mutual interaction? 5. What are the forms of marital support of the respondents in love and arrange marriages receive in terms of psychological, confidant, affective and social support? 6. How do love marriages differ from arranged marriages along the following along the following aspects; level of attachment anxiety, marital adjustment, level of marital quality and marital support? 7. What marriage counseling program has been developed on the basis of the findings of the study. This study was conducted at Tuca, Pindolonan and Dawayan, Marawi City with the total number of 327 married Meranao women, with a breakdown of 132 for love marriage and 195 for arranged marriage. The researcher utilized the descriptive–correlation design. Part of study was done through describing the demographic profile of the respondents and personal profile in terms of age, gender, socio economic status, educational attainment, monthly income and occupation. Their perceptions on their marriage particularly on attachment anxiety, marital adjustment, marital quality and marital support were also given descriptions. On the other hand, these two important variables were then correlated so as to establish a conclusion that a wife’s profile can affect her perception on her marriage life.

Authors and Affiliations

Monasalam M. Disangcopan, MPA, MAEDGC, LPT


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  • EP ID EP747339
  • DOI 10.47191/ijmra/v7-i10-09
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Monasalam M. Disangcopan, MPA, MAEDGC, LPT (2024). Attachment Anxiety, Marital Adjustment and Psycho-Social Support of Love and Arranged Marriages Among Meranao Women. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Analysis, 7(10), -.