Attitudes to reverse mortgages in Wielkopolska


A study was made of the opinions and attitudes of household representatives towards reverse mortgages (RMs). The authors attempt to identify the perceived significance of property ownership for quality of life during retirement, respondents’ attitudes towards various actions that may be taken if pension income is insufficient, their knowledge about the product, and their willingness to use it. Additionally, the authors examine the relevance of factors which might encourage a consumer to take out an RM. Findings are based on a survey conducted in 2015 among 443 adults living in the region of Wielkopolska. It is found that people in Wielkopolska are strongly attached to the property that they own, and regard it as a very important factor affecting their quality of life during retirement. At the same time, the findings point to a very low level of knowledge about RMs and a negligible amount of interest in this product. The primary factor which might encourage people to take out an RM is serious illness and the need for a large amount of money to obtain medical care.

Authors and Affiliations

Iwona Olejnik, Joanna Ratajczak


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How To Cite

Iwona Olejnik, Joanna Ratajczak (2017). Attitudes to reverse mortgages in Wielkopolska. ROZPRAWY UBEZPIECZENIOWE. Konsument na rynku usług finansowych., 25(3), 79-86.