Audit-based Сontrol in Ukraine and Problem Aspects of it Implementation in Present-day Conditions

Journal Title: Lex portus - Year 2016, Vol 1, Issue 1


In this article the order and conditions of audit-based control implementation are reviewed in accordance with International Convention on the Simplification and Harmonization of Customs Procedures (revised Kyoto Convention, 1973), Customs Code 2012 and acts of European Union, including essential revisions of EU Customs Code 2016. The analysis of legislation and scientific literature has given possibility for identification of role for audit-based control as a form of customs control during transportation of articles of trade through the customs border of Ukraine. On the basis of conducted research certain problem aspects were revealed in audit-based control implementation.

Authors and Affiliations

Людмила Батанова, Ludmila Batanova


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How To Cite

Людмила Батанова, Ludmila Batanova (2016). Audit-based Сontrol in Ukraine and Problem Aspects of it Implementation in Present-day Conditions. Lex portus, 1(1), 94-107.