Authenticity of historic architecture and palimpsest in the historical space – new media and presentation of the cultural heritage

Journal Title: Architectus - Year 2016, Vol 20, Issue 1


The article presents chosen aspects connected with presenting and exhibiting historic architecture with the use of new media and digital techniques. Focus is given to the problem of authenticity of heritage structures and to the palimpsest of historical and modern spaces. Authenticity, as an important element for the appraisal of heritage structures, is treated and an important issue while creating digital presentations and reconstructions of historic objects and structures. Presentation of cultural heritage, which bases upon virtual and augmented reality, is perceived to be a temporary, noninvasive and alternative solution for exhibiting, for example, stylistically complex objects. The technologies mentioned in the title are also perceived as a way to “complement” changed or no longer existent objects and landscapes, or their elements. This method of introducing digital objects into reality creates a characteristic palimpsest – a temporary overlap of digital objects. At the same time, it evokes new relations, new interactions with objects, as well as a new form of contact with cultural heritage. In the article, the main topics are subject to a critical analysis, which allows to show the disadvantages of presenting “digital” historic objects of structures, as well as to pinpoint the potential of new technologies and to pose further research questions.

Authors and Affiliations

Rafał Zapłata


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  • EP ID EP96199
  • DOI 10.5277/arc160109
  • Views 81
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How To Cite

Rafał Zapłata (2016). Authenticity of historic architecture and palimpsest in the historical space – new media and presentation of the cultural heritage. Architectus, 20(1), 97-114.