Auto immune pancreatitis - A case report


It is a type of chronic pancreatitis characterized by a heterogeneous autoimmune inflammatory process associated with fibrosis of the pancreas causes organ dysfunction. There are three recognized radiological patterns of autoimmune pancreatitis: diffuse, focal, and multifocal. Diffuse disease is the most common type, with a diffusely edematous sausage - like appearing pancreas with well demarcated sharp margin and absence of the surface undulations. Focal disease is less common and manifests as a focal mass mimic pancreatic malignancy. We had a 52 year old male with history of epigastric pain and fever for a duration of 2 weeks referred to our department for MRI abdomen with contrast. The MRI of the patient revealed diffuse form of Autoimmune pancreatitis which will be discussed in detail.

Authors and Affiliations

Remya Baburaj, Prabhu Radhan, Rajoo Ramachandran, Subramanian Ilanchezhian, Praveen Kumar


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Remya Baburaj, Prabhu Radhan, Rajoo Ramachandran, Subramanian Ilanchezhian, Praveen Kumar (2017). Auto immune pancreatitis - A case report. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RECENT TRENDS IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 22(1), 14-16.