Automatic Engagement and Disengagement of Handbrake System Using Pneumatic system
Journal Title: International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology (IJRASET) - Year 2017, Vol 5, Issue 6
One of the most important safety features in an automobile is brake. A typical automobile consists of two types of brakes, one for retarding the speed of vehicle while it is in motion and other is to hold the vehicle in its place when standing still or parked. The latter is mostly important when the vehicle is parked on slope. It is important to disengage the handbrake before starting the vehicle from rest position. Due to operator errors the conventional handbrake system remained engaged even when the vehicle was moving due to manual operation of the hand lever through which the handbrake is operated. This led the brakes to become ineffective and eventually they failed to serve their purpose. To overcome all the limitation of the conventional system we proposed the new automatic handbrake engagement and release system. This system uses electro-pneumatically operated components using solenoid and pneumatic circuits. This system operates depending on the positions of the key. When the ignition switch is turned on the handbrake disengages and engages when the ignition is turned off.
Authors and Affiliations
Prof. D. L. Shinde, Mr. Talandage Nikhil M, Mr. Attarde Varad R, Mr. Mashalkar Akash S, Mr. Mahajan Rohit B
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