Automation of the control processes of the refrigeration units condensers


In the article energy efficient ways of the condensing pressure (temperature) control in refrigeration units for various purposes are considered. The comparative analysis of the circuit solutions of the condensing temperature regulators for air cooling condensers is conducted with simulation methods. Modeling of the single-phase system of the regulator pulse-phase control triac HPC1/4 showed that this system has a low power factor. The feasibility of the condensing temperature regulators implementation on the basis of the three-phase frequency converter with DC chain is substantiated for the low and medium cooling capacity refrigeration units. The disadvantages of the existing systems of the condensing pressure stabilization of the refrigeration units water cooling condensers are highlighted. The research of two proposed control systems of the water-cooled condensers of the medium and high cooling capacity refrigeration units is conducted. It is established that the using of the principles of partial invariance to main disturbances with elements of the nonlinear correction can improve the energy efficiency of refrigeration units. Also it is provided by modeling the processes in the shell and tube capacitor KTP-300 of the ship refrigeration unit that the using of variable structure systems further improves the dynamic quality of control processes with large fluctuations of the heat loads.

Authors and Affiliations

Valeriya Bukaros, Oleg Onishchenko, Galyna Naleva, Andrii Bukaros


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  • EP ID EP453391
  • DOI 10.20998/2413-4295.2017.23.12
  • Views 62
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How To Cite

Valeriya Bukaros, Oleg Onishchenko, Galyna Naleva, Andrii Bukaros (2017). Automation of the control processes of the refrigeration units condensers. Вісник Національного технічного університету "ХПІ" Серія: Нові рішення у сучасних технологіях, 23(0), 76-83.