Autonomous philosophical anthropology: strategy articulation
Journal Title: Мultiversum. Philosophical almanac - Year 2015, Vol 0, Issue 5
The article deals with the philosophical interpretation of the autonomous human. Philosophy of human is one of the most topical trends of modern philosophy. The purpose of the given article is to study the directions of articulation of human in Western philosophy. The presented research will also help to designate the origins of the articulation of human in the western philosophical and scientific conceptions. The examination of philosophical anthropology allows allocating of strategies for understanding the human. The first strategy is a projective one. Herein, finiteness is realized as a projection of the human potential. The grounds for finiteness of human abilities are proclaimed to be the main task of Kant’s philosophy. The second strategy is a radical-immanence one. This strategy of philosophical anthropology does not present integrally all possible directions of secularization. Yet, the given immanence has drawn the basic configurations of dispositives, which distribute the economy of the power/knowledge. The given directions of philosophical anthropology are the result of the radical immanence, which designated human autonomy to be the central philosophical problem. The specified strategies are evident not only in various philosophical conceptions of culture, but also in theoretical research of humanitarian and social sciences, which deal with the studies of the subject «a man and culture».
Authors and Affiliations
Dmytro Petrenko
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