Autophagy, new perspectives in anticancer therapy

Journal Title: Advances in Hygiene and Experimental Medicine - Year 2014, Vol 68, Issue


Autophagy, the process of degradation of unwanted or damaged cell elements, is extremely important for a variety of human diseases, especially cancers. This process influences various stages of initiation and progression of cancer, which is caused by overlapping signaling pathways of autophagy and carcinogenesis. However, due to the complexity of cancer as a systemic disease, the fate of tumor cells is not determined by one signal pathway. Chronic autophagy inhibition leads to tumor promotion, due to instability of the genome, defective cell growth, also as a result of cellular stress. However, increased induction of autophagy may be a mechanism for tumor cell survival in the state of hypoxia, acidosis, as well as under the influence of chemotherapy. Therefore, in the context of cancer development, the process of autophagy should be considered in two directions. Determination of the molecular mechanisms underlying the process of autophagy and its role in the carcinogenesis is a key element of the anticancer strategy. The main objective of modern oncology, which should eventually lead to personalized therapy, is the possibility to predict the response of a particular type of cancer to the used drug. Results of in vitro and in vivo studies show the magnitude of the relationship between changes in the genome, and response to the therapy. This information indicates the mechanism and thereby the target point of the drugs. In this review we focus on the mechanism of autophagy and its role in cancer therapy, which can help to understand the autophagy-cancer relationship and indicate the direction for the design of new drugs with anticancer activity.

Authors and Affiliations

Natalia Lisiak, Ewa Totoń, Maria Rybczyńska


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How To Cite

Natalia Lisiak, Ewa Totoń, Maria Rybczyńska (2014). Autophagy, new perspectives in anticancer therapy. Advances in Hygiene and Experimental Medicine, 68(), 925-935.