
Статтю присвячено дослідженню категорії автора у французьких статтях інформувального спрямування. Зокрема, йдеться про роль комунікативного медіатора, яку автор бере на себе при введенні у текст статті прямої мови; виділено основні маркери авторської присутності в ній; запропоновано чотири основні типи інтродуктивних дієслів, що використовуються у секвенції цитування. This paper is dedicated to the study of the concept of the author in the informative type of French articles. It also highlights the positioning type of the author’s subject in this kind of articles as well as the role of communication mediator that is taken by author while introducing the direct speech in the text. The mediation is considered as an active transformation of the objective reality representation that is called to lead to the predesigned pragmatic effects. The degree of the press mediation varies from neutrality to manipulation. The following indicators of the author's presence in the text were singled out as the main ones: four special groups of the introductory verbs used in the quoting sequences (reflexives, declaratives, rhetoritives, expressives), the method of verbalization of the performative impact in the direct speech. Reflexives are verbs that express thoughts as well as a reflexion or an opinion (estimer, juger, croire, penser). Declaratives are verbs of speaking (dire, s’exprimer, raconter, affirmer). Rhetoritives are associated with rhetorical editing of what is being said (remarquer, souligner, préciser, ajouter). Expressives are verbs that have affective connotation (lancer, tonner, se féliciter, s’enchanter). The first three types of verbs notably reflexives, declaratives, rhetoritives are neutral in terms of their scope to produce affect or emotion. The choice of expressives, on the contrary, is intended to express one's evaluation of the events. Introducing someone's speech in the text, it is the author who decides about the choice of an introductory verb. Semantics of these verbs, by revealing his or her emotions, can discover the real pragmatic intention of the speaker. Thus, the choice of this verb is the result of the author's interpretative activity. The method of verbalization of the performative impact in the direct speech is based on the fact that the author intensifies the content of someone's statement by summarizing it. The foresaid author's method is meant to establish the communicative purpose of one's speech act. Thus, the author's use of the direct speech in the article text isn't an impartial process as long as the author's personality can be revealed with the linguistic means that produce an effect on the audience. To continue studying the author's role in the analytical articles based on the results of the present academic work is the prospect of further research work.

Authors and Affiliations

Margarita Shevchenko


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Margarita Shevchenko (2017). АВТОРСЬКА ПОЗИЦІЯ КОМУНІКАТИВНОГО МЕДІАТОРА У СУЧАСНИХ ФРАНЦУЗЬКИХ СТАТТЯХ. Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Філологія, 10(16), 123-128. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-432213