Awangarda i socrealizm. W 65 lat po powstaniu Teatru Nowego w Łodzi. Uwagi po wydarzeniu
Journal Title: Sztuka i Dokumentacja - Year 2016, Vol 14, Issue 14
The avant-garde and socialist realism. 65 years after the creation of the Nowy Theatre in Łódź. Reflectons after the anniversary event. In 1949 Kazimierz Dejmek became the director of the Nowy Theatre in Łódź – the first public stage in Poland inspired by the rules of socialist realism. A few months later, the Polish authorities decided to destroy the Noeoplastic room designed by Władysław Strzemiński – a very special place dedicated to the presentation of Polish avant-garde artists. Both events which occurred in the same city, turned out to be kind of turning points in Polish culture: this is why the relationship between these two artistic schools became the subject of a project prepared for the 65th birthday of the famous theatre stage: Avant-garde and socialist realism. 65 years after creation of the Nowy Theatre in Łódź. This article describes the assumptions and realizations of several art projects prepared by young Polish artists for this event. The majority of them decided to find a contemporary setting for this historical opposition (What does it mean now: the avant-garde v socially engaged art?), but very quickly they noticed that it is (and it was) impossible to talk about socialist realism and the avant-garde as two contrary formations.
Authors and Affiliations
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