Awareness of Health Care Workers about Organ Donation in a Public Sector Hospital in Rajasthan

Journal Title: Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences - Year 2017, Vol 5, Issue 10


Abstract: Organ donation not only saves the lives of dying people but also improves the quality of life of many patients. Although, the first organ transplant in India was performed in the 1965 (a kidney transplant) and the country has made a few strides forward since but still there is a huge demand–supply gap exists between patients requiring transplantation and organ donors.This target can be achieved by making the people aware about organ donation and its importance in saving the lives of people who need the organ transplantation. Keeping in view, the present study was conducted at Sawai Man Singh Hospital, Jaipur during the period of January 2017 to July 2017 to assess the awareness level of different respondents about organ donation. It was found that majority (68.50%) of the total respondents had medium level of awareness, followed by low (18.00%) and high (13.50%) awareness about organ donation. Keywords:Organ Donation, transplantation, awareness, organ donors.

Authors and Affiliations

Shveta Choudhary, R. S. Rao, Manju Badhala


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How To Cite

Shveta Choudhary, R. S. Rao, Manju Badhala (2017). Awareness of Health Care Workers about Organ Donation in a Public Sector Hospital in Rajasthan. Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences, 5(10), 3839-3842.