The combat pay and soldiers’ wages of Polish Infantry Mercenaries during the reign of Aleksander Jagiellończyk and Zygmunt I Stary
The registers of infantry companies (Polish: rota) from the years 1522-1547, preserved in...
The economy of soviet Ukraine on the ground of the 2nd Department of the General Staff of Polish Army at the turn of the twenties and thirties in the 20th century
In spite of the Treaty of Riga, that was signed on March...
Dutch signal books in the first half of the 17th century for example of the vice-admiral Wemmer van Berchem’s signal book from 1628
The subject of signal books was omitted in Polish science so far, as regards the Dutch n...
Leszek Wierzbicki (2012). Awizy z obozu królewskiego pod Regowem (27 września – 1 października 1672 r.). Studia z Dziejów Wojskowości, 1(),
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Tam in pecuniis, quam in mercibus alias towarami. Żołd i zarobki żołnierzy polskiej piechoty zaciężnej za panowania Aleksandra Jagiellończyka i Zygmunta I Starego
The combat pay and soldiers’ wages of Polish Infantry Mercenaries during the reign of Aleksander Jagiellończyk and Zygmunt I Stary The registers of infantry companies (Polish: rota) from the years 1522-1547, preserved in...
Gospodarka sowieckiej Ukrainy z przełomu lat dwudziestych i trzydziestych w świetle akt Oddziału II Sztabu Głównego Wojska Polskiego
The economy of soviet Ukraine on the ground of the 2nd Department of the General Staff of Polish Army at the turn of the twenties and thirties in the 20th century In spite of the Treaty of Riga, that was signed on March...
Holenderskie księgi sygnałowe w I połowie XVII wieku na przykładzie księgi sygnałowej wiceadmirała Wemmera van Berchem z 1628 roku
Dutch signal books in the first half of the 17th century for example of the vice-admiral Wemmer van Berchem’s signal book from 1628 The subject of signal books was omitted in Polish science so far, as regards the Dutch n...
Nieznana relacja Ignacego Prądzyńskiego o walkach nad Berezyną
Zwykłe ryzyko „badacza-przepisywacza”