Ayurvastra: An Innovative Alliance of Ayurveda and Textile: A Review
Journal Title: Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences - Year 2015, Vol 3, Issue 2
Adaptation of covering our bodies pre-dates to the historic age. Clothes have fulfilled a variety of functions, ranging from primarily awarding protection and warmth to being a symbol of fashion statement as of today. In recent years, due to aggravation in health related issues, the collaboration between medical personnel and textile chemistry technologists has led to the evolution of innovative medico-functional applications for textiles. Enhancement of beauty through healthy and eco-friendly means is the demand of the day. Now people prefer apparels with additional extra functions like imparting fragrance with protection, maintaining freshness by anti-creasing capability, leading to a smart appearance, and also helping in nurturing a healthy life by herbal means. This concept finds its origin from Ayurveda, wherein herbal extracts have been found to be used for curing ailments. This is achieved by the addition of cosmetic and pharmaceutical herbal ingredients into the clothing, which then gains entry into the body through the skin by the natural movements of the body. Thus the skin is refreshed, revitalized and cured. Keywords: Ayurveda, Ayurvastra, Medicinal Herbs, Textiles.
Authors and Affiliations
Farida P. Minocheherhomji, Bhumika Solanki
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