Ayurvedic Intervention in Rajayakshama/ Tuberculosis - A Case Report


Pulmonary tuberculosis is caused by the Mycobacterium tubetrculosis. Tuberculosis (TB) is contagious which means that bacteria easily spreads from an infected person to someone else. Symptoms of Pulmonary Tuberculosis may include cough that lasts 3 weeks or longer accomplished with haemoptysis, appetite and weight loss, weakness/ fatigue, fever and night sweats. In Ayurveda this clinical condition can be compared with Rajayakshama. Treatment of Tuberculosis requires at least 6 months. The drugs which used in treatment of Tuberculosis are less potent and more toxic. These drugs have less bio availability as they are thrown out of the body by bio transformation. Ayurvedic texts have mentioned Pulmonary Tuberculosis and its cure using natural plant based products. Being natural products they have negligible side effects and have greater bio activity as well as bio availability. In this case study, a male patient who was diagnosed for Pulmonary Tuberculosis and was administered Anti Tubercular Drugs (ATDs), was also advised a combination of herbo-mineral drugs (Bol Parpati, Kaharawa Pishti, Pippali Churna, Vasavaleha, Draksharishta, Dashamoola Kashaya, Bhrangarajasava, Vidaryadi Ghrita, Vidaryadi Kashaya, Ajaashwagandhadi Lehya) for a period of 4 month. A significant clinical and radiological improvement was observed after 4 month of medication.

Authors and Affiliations

Suman Yadav, Sunil Kumar, Deepak Sewada


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Suman Yadav, Sunil Kumar, Deepak Sewada (2019). Ayurvedic Intervention in Rajayakshama/ Tuberculosis - A Case Report. International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharmaceutical Chemistry, 0(0), 1-10. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-450261