Back Pain in Mothers of Cerebral Palsied Children

Journal Title: Ortopedia Traumatologia Rehabilitacja - Year 2014, Vol 16, Issue 5


Background. Cerebral palsy (CP) leads to varying degrees of movement restrictions, imposing on the parents (especially mothers) a number of additional responsibilities. The burden of long-term care for a disabled child can lead to severe pain in various locations and of various intensity. Therefore, it is important to identify their risk factors and provide training for parents of CP children to educate them how to offer care not only to aid rehabilitation of their child, but also to avoid hazards to their own health. The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of back pain and its underlying causes in mothers of children with cerebral palsy.Material and methods. The study enrolled 179 mothers of CP children aged 3-18 years. The intensity, frequency and functional consequences of the pain were described according to the criteria formulated by Jackson and Moskowitz. The children's functional status was assessed on the basis of their medical records, the GMFCS (Gross Motor Function Classification System) scale and an interview with their mothers. Pain intensity in the mother was compared with the functional status of the child and the level of his/her independence as well as other factors related to the daily care of a child with cerebral palsy. The nonparametric chi-square (x2) test was used for the statistical analyses, with the level of significance at p <0.05.Results. Most of the mothers caring for a CP child on a daily basis suffered from back pain of various location and intensity. The intensity of the pain was determined by the child's locomotor skills and independence level, the necessity of lifting the child several times a day, the number of additional tasks performed by the mother and the age and body weight of the child. At the same time, pain intensity was independent of maternal age, the possibility of having a replacement caregiver and (lack of) prior instruction on appropriate behaviours in their daily care for the disabled child.Conclusions. 1. Long-term daily care of children with cerebral palsy promotes the development of back pain in their mothers. 2. The incidence and intensity of pain depends primarily on the child's functional status and independence level, body weight, age, the need for repeatedly lifting the disabled child throughout the day and the number of additional tasks performed by the mother.

Authors and Affiliations

Krzysztof Czupryna, Olga Nowotny-Czupryna, Janusz Nowotny


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Krzysztof Czupryna, Olga Nowotny-Czupryna, Janusz Nowotny (2014). Back Pain in Mothers of Cerebral Palsied Children. Ortopedia Traumatologia Rehabilitacja, 16(5), 497-505.