Journal Title: International Journal of Medical Research & Health Sciences (IJMRHS) - Year 2014, Vol 3, Issue 2
Aims & Objective: To isolate and diagnose the Uropathogens and its antibiotic sensitivity pattern in anti-natal care patient suffering from Urinary tract Infections. Material and Methods: 150 samples were collected by consent pregnant women between the age group of 18 to 40 years. A midstream clean catch is adequate, provided by all pregnant women’s through given careful instructions. For enumeration of bacteria we perform standard loop techniques method. The number of colonies counted or estimated, and this number used to calculate the number of viable bacteria per ml of urine. The bacterial strains were identified by colonies character stick, gram staining, morphological and biochemical character. The bacterial strains identification was done up to genus and species level. The antibiotics sensitivity test of bacterial strains was done as per CLSI guidelines by Kirby-Baure Disc Diffusion Methods. Results: The significant bactiurea was found in 50 patients among 150 patients used. The most commonly isolated bacteria was Escherichia coli 23(40%) Klebsiellaaerogens 11 (22%) Staphylococcus aureus 10 (20%) Pseudomonas aerugenosa 4(8%).The incidence of bacteriuria among in their first pregnancy was 22.2%.The higher incidence of UTI in 2nd and 3rd trimester was found to have 31.4% & 40%. These studies were showing high level of resistance to first line antibiotics such as Cotrimaxozole. Conclusion: To minimizing the complication of the pregnant women should be educated about the physiology of pregnancy clinical presentation includes asymptomatic bacteria, acute cystitis & pyelonephritis. Pregnant women should be screened for asymptomatic bacteriuria by urine culture and treated with appropriate antibiotics. After the post treatment pregnant women should be examine again to confirm post treatment urine sterility.
Authors and Affiliations
Srivastava Ritu| Student, Department of Microbiology, Teerthankar Mahaveer Medical College, Moradabad U.P., India, Corresponding author email:, Singh Brij N| Tutor, Department of Microbiology, G.S.V.M. Medical College, Kanpur, India, Begum Rehana| HOD & Professor, Department of Microbiology, Teerthankar Mahaveer Medical College, Moradabad U.P., India, Yadav Ramesh| Tutor, Department of Microbiology, G.S.V.M. Medical College, Kanpur, India
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