Badania archeologiczne w Myśliborzu w latach 1945–2014 Archaeological research in Myślibórz in the years 1945–2014

Journal Title: Materiały Zachodniopomorskie - Year 2016, Vol 0, Issue


The article presents the history of archaeological research in the post-war Myślibórz. Until 1999, it was led by researchers from Gorzów Wielkopolski and Szczecin, and since 2000 employees of the Museum of Myślibórz Lake District. Mostly it concerns the Old Town area and is associated with the beginnings of urban settlements to Post-medieval period. In addition, the archaeological research was carried out on the early medieval stronghold.

Authors and Affiliations

Magdalena Szymczyk


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How To Cite

Magdalena Szymczyk (2016). Badania archeologiczne w Myśliborzu w latach 1945–2014 Archaeological research in Myślibórz in the years 1945–2014. Materiały Zachodniopomorskie, 0(), 547-571.