Badanie. Dojrzewanie. Rozwój (na drodze do doktoratu). Odrębność metodologiczna a dyscyplinarność danej dziedziny wiedzy, praca zbiorowa pod redakcją Franciszka Szloska
Journal Title: Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny - Year 2019, Vol 64, Issue 2
Authors and Affiliations
Izabella Kust
Środowiskowe korelaty znajomości języka polskiego wśród młodzieży polskiego pochodzenia w Ratyzbonie
The article is devoted to the cultivation of the Polish language among the youths of Polish descent, raised in the Bavarian town of Regensburg. It presents the results of a questionnairebased study in which 37 teenagers...
Matematyczna socjalizacja poznawcza a kulturowe funkcjonowanie jednostki
In the era of universal mathematics education in the civilised world and a general ability to perform calculations, the size of social awkwardness in maths is surprising. Despite the fact that mathematics is considered a...
Wykorzystanie edukacji przygodą w radzeniu sobie ze stresem choroby nowotworowej
The occurrence of neoplastic disease is a serious and unsuccessful change in a man’s life situation. Support in coping with neoplastic disease is therapeutic education that is understood as allowing patients to acquire s...
Preferowane wartości młodzieży niedostosowanej społecznie
This article presents the preferred values of young people with symptoms of social maladjustment. We examined a group of 35 pupils aged 15–16 attending probation centres. A comparison group of 38 people were their peers:...
University in front of the necessity of teacher development towards intercultural dialogue and understanding – forms and methods
A contemporary teacher should represent a high level of consciousness about multicultural challenges involved in senses and meanings, social priorities, political and pedagogical ideas. At present, vocational preparation...